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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Like father, like son

Definition: Having the same characteristics as ones parents

There are also various resonance phrases such as "like mother like daughter" etc etc.
You hear it all the time, and not once do you actually think it could be true. Yet time after time, this tested theory of fortune telling proves us wrong.

Back in the days, the son or daughter would continue the family trade whether it be blacksmith, lumberjack, or royalty. Over the years this phrase has been true for even more aspects of life, even cars. For some reason, we never think that it would apply to us. Sometimes we think "nah, that's not me, I can't see myself doing that" or "I'm not good enough for that".

Dad (dinosaur years) in front of the camera cabinets full of filters, 35mm film cameras, and lenses

Me (2009) at Castle Hill Camera House
In front of DSLRs, L-series lenses, memory cards and digital photo frames

Well you can all see how different camera stores have become, but photography is photography, and the fundamentals are still the same. Just like me saying I didn't think I'd be taking photos like I do now (2 posts ago), I never considered this. Not that I thought I couldn't do it, it just never occurred to me. And the astounding similarities in that photo still surprise me.


About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I take photos, and I'll write about them. I call it like I see it, you won't always like what I say, and if you don't ... leave me a comment. I won't always like what you say either, but I'll be open to it. So when it's all said and done, at the very least you might like my photos


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