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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


There is a vast disparity betweeen the rich and the poor in today's world. A lot has been made about this gap in the United States ... but it's everywhere and you can see it even down the street from where you live. At the end of the day, the rich are definitely getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer ... if that's possible. Simple example, the best basketball player in the world Kobe Bryant made approx $40mill USD this year from his contract with the Lakers and endorsements. Yet there are still plenty of people suffering from "the recession" and everything is going downhill. NB: Most people in the giant salary range are often deserving of it, so that may not have been the best example.

This photo is a modern day example of this range, taken in Vietnam during my trip in the holidays

Camera: Canon EOS 50D
Settings: Various - 3 photo HDR, made using Photomatix Pro 2.5

There is such a polarising difference in the elements within this photo. There are relatively large homes (most of which are 3-4 storeys high) in stark contrast with undeveloped grassland which resembles a waste dump.

Now that I've mentioned it, see if you can find examples of this in your world. Believe me, it's not that difficult.


About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I take photos, and I'll write about them. I call it like I see it, you won't always like what I say, and if you don't ... leave me a comment. I won't always like what you say either, but I'll be open to it. So when it's all said and done, at the very least you might like my photos


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