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Thursday, May 28, 2009

the first one

All photographers suffer the dilemma of seeing something amazing and regret leaving their camera at home. I've been there too many times, and finally decided to do something about it. This blog is about all those photos that I would have missed out on if I didn't carry the 50D around with me.

Half the time, I'll find use for the camera .. on the days where I don't, I might dig up an old gem and write about it. Today also marks a milestone for my Canon 50D, as I took my 10 000th photo with the camera at 3:25pm, 28/05/09 (bought the camera sometime in December 08)

And I present today's photo

Shot with the Canon 50mm f1.4 ... nifty little thing, I chose this as the lens to carry around mainly because it's so light. Not the most versatile lens, especially on a 1.6x crop sensor, but I've learnt to work around that.

Settings: ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/640, no flash

Location: Parramatta River ... if you google parramatta river you'll find that it's one of the dirtiest rivers you'll ever come across. The water in the photo is pretty murky, but provides a nice contrast with the feathers on the pelican.

Pelican's aren't normally around, could be a seasonal thing, or even by chance, but I think I got pretty lucky to have a chance for this photo. I still reckon that pelicans are one of the most graceful creatures on earth, if you've seen them take flight you'll know what I'm blabbering on about :)

Well, that's it for now, I might dig up something cool for the next one, or even come across the black panther ... who knows?


About Me

My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I take photos, and I'll write about them. I call it like I see it, you won't always like what I say, and if you don't ... leave me a comment. I won't always like what you say either, but I'll be open to it. So when it's all said and done, at the very least you might like my photos


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